We have a relatively complex Seqera Platform/Tower installation and manage our system via the API. While there are places we'd like to provide people the ability to browse specific buckets within SP/Tower (Task workspace buckets, input & output buckets, and some other niceties), we definitely don't want to provide open access (including uploads) to every bucket available within our workspaces.
We're exploring what's in the UI, what's in the configuration, and what's in the API & DB, and we're finding some pretty weird things re: our ability to automatically / programmatically manage which buckets show up in the data explorer.
We'd really like to encourage maybe flattening the overall product surface here so there's not a bifurcation between what we add and what SP/Tower automatically adds based on its own logic, and also maybe some additional tunables around which buckets can be uploaded to, etc.
The data explorer is great, the magic parts are not.